Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grace of Sacrifices Or The Noble Savage?

This interesting article from Prof Brook in  here, it read as:

The United Nations report Livestock’s Long Shadow (LLS) came out in 2006 with an estimate that 18 percent of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to livestock. If you exclude deforestation emissions, then the number drops to 14 percent. Some 95 percent of these emissions are direct emissions of methane or nitrous oxide with just 5 percent being from associated energy use as shown in the table which is a contraction of a table from LLS.

Livestock Greenhouse Giga Tonnes

Emissions CO2-eq

Energy Related 0.16

Methane 2.20

Nitrous Oxide 2.20

The reason the energy emissions are so small is that almost no processing is included. The energy associated with the refrigerated meat chain from abattoir to consumer, cooking costs, energy to build the trucks that carry the animals and later the meat etc. None of this was included

Few days back, after I read this pointer, I asked Alan “what is a high-value” agricultural exports?” that would be cattle semen… for sure! He answered straight into the point. I then h=HOU….? And rolling bustling into floor laughing, I was belly Zulu dance! So I went bit of research I come across this and this Angus. They are indeed huge business; the below is PAPA Durabull 9805 from Ohide Cattles’ medallion of his superiority as:

Durabull is one of the few moderate birth, high milk, superior growth bulls with positive carcass and scrotal values. His exceptional marbling, ribeye, and percent retail product EPDs continue to make him one of the most useful carcass sires in the breed. His daughters possess above average volume and fleshing ability and further enhance his reputation as a great breeding bull. Durabull is deceased and semen is very limited. Please call or e-mail us for availability and price.
And I went over another Google search, this time  human sperm for sale, that also a huge business too. Then this is a human sperm bank,  all the these surrogacy you can imagine.This is Donor 4411 catalogue, it reads:  
“Donor 4411’s youthful exuberance fits perfectly with his love of sports. He grew up in a family of athletes, sports being an important part of everyone’s life. His father was a semi-professional soccer player, his mother a skier and cyclist. His sister is a competitive gymnast and recently began diving…”

“… Donor 4411 possessed an inner light that seemed to radiate from him. His utter lack of ego or vanity is refreshing. He is energized and excited about life in general and enthusiastic to share stories about his life and family. He can quite simply be described as a breath of fresh air.
Sense of strangeness, and bit of eerie. It is a solemn! Former is for sacrifices later is for existence or sustainability. Strange, so one had to mulling over rendered their feelings religiously. Sens of irony and poignant, it moves deeply. You know human and cattle humble me. Thinking  over the cows’ eyes with deepest saddest huge sky in them in my home town. You find million years of our human sad endeavours and ingenuity for struggle for our very own existent. And unavoidable consequence, the holiness of natural arrangements.  A feeling of great compassion for our own existent and cattles’ noble obliges.

Thankful? According to this data  He is the Killer! What  comes around what  goes around the Kama!
I wonder who is going to win? What a race!  

P.S. Here and here affluent of effluent society. Our thinking should be affluent of effluences. Alan censures  my posting in here, so I have to carful not so mischief and not chiefly derail. All because of human therefore human! Origin of stinks! That is all I am saying!


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