Friday, October 15, 2010

TWO Korean Crisis!

Cheonan choices

The Lowy Institute’s MacArthur Foundation Asia Security Project is releasing a new publication series, ‘Strategic Snapshots’. The first Snapshot, Cheonan Choices, by Andrew Shearer and Malcolm Cook, highlights the strategic implications of North Korea’s sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan, including strengthened security ties between South Korea, Japan and the United States, and concerns about China’s limited response to its ally’s reckless and provocative actions.

It advocates a range of policy responses, including: enhanced Australia-South Korea intelligence sharing and annual strategic discussions between Australian and South Korean foreign and defence ministers; bringing Japan and Australia into future anti-submarine exercises involving South Korea and the United States and establishing four-party security discussions; and an Australia-South Korea led exercise in support of the international Proliferation Security Initiative.
South Korea, the United States, Japan and China and the wider region face the unsettling reality that despite its political fragility and economic weakness it is North Korea’s choices that are setting the security agenda in Northeast Asia.”...

“The Cheonan sinking could prove something of a watershed in South Korea’s relationship with China. South Korean officials are scathing of Beijing’s refusal to condemn its North Korean ally for the attack .”

Kimchi diplomacy is too hot to handle, need lots of ingredient and skill to mellow!

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