Asia’s Threesome Turns Four -Yoon Young-kwan
Relations among the region’s three major powers, China, South Korea, and Japan, are burdened both by territorial disputes and by the bitter historical legacies of Japanese colonialism. Of course, economic interdependence has deepened over the past three decades, but nationalism remains a convenient tool for political mobilization – and of manipulation for domestic and diplomatic purposes.
Though the history of the trilateral dialogue between China, Japan, and South Korea is short, it marks a new and constructive effort toward regional cooperation. This kind of pragmatic and functional approach, if strengthened, promises to generate momentum for cooperation on more sensitive security issues.
At least so far, security relations between South Korea and Japan, both US allies, and China have been more or less confrontational. Strengthening these two countries’ relations with China would increase the possibility of building a new, peaceful order for Northeast Asia. Indeed, measures aimed at creating a climate of genuine trilateral cooperation are the only effective way to improve regional security. Keep Reading
Cycle of friendship: Enemy from the yesterday the bosoms buddies today, the buddies from today the enemy of tomorrow! Wonder how Russia fit into this Threesome and Foursome? It can be very powerful, but where is army strategy and energy strategy fit into all that? Wonder G8 Summit the Russian president and US president had a bosom buddy Mac-cheesy diplomacy, long lost friends gosh… bit too much…or..!???